
Mike Shogin - System Architect

I’m doing software development since 2004. From that time, I’ve done several projects, participated in another number of teams and played with many different technologies, programming languages and frameworks.

In 2013 I joined IPONWEB company as Perl/Lua developer. For that period I’ve played many different roles in different projects and with different teams.

At the moment, I’m in Bidcast team and we are working on the Intelegent Load Balancer and I could say that’s not a trivial task ;).

I do Golang coding and diving into the DevOps culture. The principles of the DevOps are close to myself and I am happy that I am able to experence them and share with others.

I used to work with flexible(but slow), strict(but high-perfofmance), object oriented, procedural, functional, WebUI, DesktopUI, for Windows, for Linux systems.

I found the always working algorithm:

  • Focus on the task
  • Do research
  • Get it DONE
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